- Undergraduate Basics
- Graduate Basics
- Managing My Aid
- Loans
Establishing your SUNet ID
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Instructions for Establishing Your SUNet ID
Enrollment and Housing Plans 2023-2021
Undergraduate aid applicants should complete and submit this web form to notify the Financial Aid Office of your plans, so that your financial aid award can be finalized.
Enrollment and Housing Plans 2023-2021 Web Form
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This page includes FAQ's and general information about how aid will work for 2023-2021.
2023-2021 Financial Support for Undergraduates
Application requirements, forms and deadlines. Note: We cannot confirm receipt of financial aid application requirements for admission applicants until after admission decisions have been released.
Undergraduate Students
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Undergraduate students can follow these instructions to report the outside scholarships that they expect to receive for the 2023-2021 academic year.
BEAM provides job information and resources for students.
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Federal Student Aid addresses questions about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.